Contents and distribution characteristics of soluble organic nitrogen in surface sediments of lakes 湖泊表层沉积物可溶性有机氮含量及分布特性
Effects of Long-term Fertilization on Forms and Profile Distribution of Soil Organic Nitrogen in Irrigated Desert Soil 长期施肥对河西灌漠土有机氮组分及剖面分布的影响
Factors Affecting Formation of THMs During Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Acetamide Chlorination in Drinking Water 溶解性有机氮乙酰胺氯化生成饮用水THMs的影响因素研究
Distribution of Organic Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen in the Surface Sediments of Pearl River Estuaries 珠江河口表层沉积物有机氮和总氮的分布
The Dynamical Variation of Suspended Organic Carbon and Suspended Organic Nitrogen in the Main Bays in Fujian 福建主要港湾悬浮有机碳、悬浮有机氮的动态变化
Ammonium is toxic and is converted to organic nitrogen compounds in the root. 铵有毒,在植物根部被转化为有机含氮化合物。
Effect of irrigation methods on mineralization of soil organic nitrogen in Protected Field 灌溉方法对保护地土壤有机氮矿化特性的影响
The two strains A1 and A2 had a certainly practical value for treatment of the high concentration of organic nitrogen in wastewater. 所分离的2株氨化细菌对于高浓度有机氮工业废水的生物降解有一定的应用价值。
The result showed that thereby suggesting lactic acid could be produced more economically by using CSL as organic nitrogen, and reduce the pollution of CSL to the environment. 在保证生产能力的同时,使用玉米浆为有机氮源对进一步降低L-乳酸生产成本,减少玉米浆对环境的污染进行了探索。
Influence of Organic Nitrogen Application Rate on Leaf Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco 施用不同比例有机氮对尤溪烤烟产质量的影响
Effect of Glucose on Mineralization of Organic Nitrogen in Black Soil, Northeast of China 葡萄糖对东北黑土有机氮矿化的调控作用
Vertical distribution and diversity of butterflies in Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China Soil Organic Nitrogen Distribution in the Vertical Sequence on the Northwestern Slope of Altai Mountains 横断山区蝶类的垂直分布及其多样性阿尔泰山西北部垂直带谱中土壤有机氮素分布
Effect of different land use systems on the form and distribution of organic nitrogen in brown soil 不同土地利用方式对棕壤有机氮组分及其剖面分布的影响
Soil soluble organic nitrogen in different horticultural production systems 不同园艺生产系统土壤可溶性有机氮差异
The Mechanism Analysis of Formation of Chloroform during Typical Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Tyrosine Chlorination in Drinking Water 在饮水中典型溶解性有机氮酪氨酸氯化生成氯仿的机理分析
The reaction of organic nitrogen compounds in wastewater with chlorine will form toxic and harmful organic chloramines during the chlorination. 在氯消毒过程中,污水中的含氮有机物与氯反应会生成有毒有害的有机氯胺。
Study on the Water-soluble Organic Nitrogen and Organic Carbon in Intensively Managed Phyllostachys Praecox Stands 高效栽培雷竹林土壤水溶性有机碳、氮研究
Study on Sources of Organic Nitrogen in Chinese Milk Vetch on Red Paddy Soil 红壤性水稻土紫云英有机氮素形成特征的研究
Effects of complex microbial agents to mixed compost with cattle manure and chicken manure on organic nitrogen at low temperature 低温下复合发酵剂对牛粪与鸡粪混合堆肥有机氮变化的影响
Study on the Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen and Organic Carbon in Intensively Managed Castanea Mollissima Blume Stands 集约经营板栗林土壤水溶性有机氮、碳研究
Review on Characteristics and Control of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Drinking Water 饮用水中溶解性有机氮类化合物的控制研究进展
Addition of sludge can reduce the loss of organic nitrogen and total nitrogen during MSW composting. 投加污泥有利于减少生活垃圾中有机氮和总氮的损失。
The nitrogen, which is in ammonium in the ammonia sulfite pulping waste liquor of rice straw, is converted into organic nitrogen by using oxide-ammonium decomposition method. 稻草亚硫酸铵法制浆废液采用氧化氨解的方法,将废液中的铵态氮转化为有机氮。
Otherwise organic nitrogen in wastewater is transformed to ammonia nitrogen, which is inorganic. 废水中的有机氮水解成为氨氮,实现了氮的无机化。
Study on composition and property of organic nitrogen in several soils of China 我国几种土壤的有机氮组成和性质的研究
In water, nitrogen exists in form of organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate. 在水中,氮是以有机氮、氨态氮、亚硝酸氮和硝酸氮的形式存在的。
Ammonium assimilation is a very important process to transform inorganic nitrogen into organic nitrogen for plants. 氨同化作用是植物将无机氮转化成有机氮的一个重要过程。
Inorganic nitrogen must be assimilated as organic nitrogen which can be absorbed and used by plants. 其中,无机氮必须同化为有机氮才能为植物体所吸收和利用。
Index model can better describe the response of soil organic nitrogen mineralization to soil moisture content. 指数模型能够较好描述土壤有机氮矿化对土壤水分含量的反应。
Better adaptability to carbon sources and organic nitrogen source were observed during the culture of companion fungi. 伴生菌对碳源和有机氮源的适应性都很强。